naj suhana. sound familiar? im an aries, and on the keychain i got from faithful MPH says im supposed to be a leader of some sort, someone that stands up for whats important. to me, importance is relationships. my friendship with simon is something i truly cherish and i will not let it parish into something equivalent to the dust you find on the windows of school. to some, this post might be offending, and im absolutely sorry if it is. but, i wont let feelings go. especially feelings that have been tampered with. whatever we get out of feelings we make the most of, as we are, teenagers. or even better, human. we cant help what we feel, when we feel it and who we have feelings towards. how we feel is not our decision. so if you think the way someone is feeling towards someone else is wrong. please take a hike. the world doesnt need people like you butting into how others can or cannot feel. its no ones fault. what happens after this, is meant to happen, kan? to simon: i love you like shit you know that, and i dont mind beating up anyone who's stupid and cant mind their own business, so for now, sabar je ok (:
Okay, so as I once said. I ran out of things to talk about, Oh! I got my phone fixed. & It took me less than 3 days as said. I downloaded a good song too, Trouble - Nevershoutnever! , Its really sweet. Saiful thinks the band's gay. But I definately dont think so. Gay is Jesse McCartney, (Is that how you spell it?) I dont know. Honestly, I dont listen to the music these days, Hitz.Fm is a waste of time, so as Fly.Fm. They play the SAME LAME song repeatedly. No undergrounds, new bands, nothing.
Pfft, im tired of this but blogging is uber fun and I finished all my homework :D Plus, Simon took the liberty of doing my Komsas plot for me because my book is in his good hands. And in what way should I spend all the semi-godly freetime I have if its non other than helping your friend update? Im Haaaaaana and this maybe the 4th post straight I've updated for Simon. Screw you ;P Anti-clockwise.
So, as I grow, I have realized that I've learned a lot from my mentally-challenged friends in Daisi. Because 80% of my time is wisely spent in class. ^^ Wisely, HAHA. Funny. And what exactly have I learned? Improving my vocabulary ofcourse ^__^ Thats just one of the pro's of hanging out with Sophia, Chrysty, Stephanie, Annabelle, Saiful & Simon. Even though its actually me who helps correct Stephanie's vocabulary O__O" Oh well. I learned a lot of really cool words and I have then again successfully excelled in my literature skills, AHAH!
We teach each other everything, we help each other grow. See how useful friends can be? My friends and I, we teach each other how to be a good friend, how to handle rumours and also how to just be yourself and have fun. We teach each other in studies and we have excepted each others unconditional flaws. I learned to appreciate all that. & Maybe you should too.
Ofcourse I'll never forget all my other adrenaline junkies on the outskirts of Daisi ;) Thankyou for helping me. Never risk losing a friend. Because there wont be anybody there to cheer you up when you're upset, be your shoulder to cry on and listen to you bragging on about certain situations. Unless you have a boyfriend you trust your life with though -,- I met mine and he's everything to me <3 I vow not to risk losing him because he's not worth the price to pay, he's priceless. The best gift, even better than a million platinums and a wishing star all to yourself. I dont need to make a wish, its already granted :]
So be a good friend. DONT be an ass and start spamming chatboxes with mean words and have fun while you still can. You'll never know what tomorrow will bring. Maybe the death of loved ones? Nah, I dont know. Im just patheticly speaking. And here, Im going to thankSimonfor listening to everything I had to say today and your secret is in good hands :} <3>
-___- Next time, update yourself. So anyway, I ran out of things to talk about. What shall we talk about?
Have you heard about this band called Stereo Skyline? Its new on MySpace. They get support for the songs they make and their latest is, Heart Beat. Yes, in this case, its not one word. This song rocks :D Its Powerpop, one of my favourite genres. So anyway, I'll entertain you with what I found in MySpace.
Aint they aweshumm? :D <3
This is damn awesome weyh :D SMKBUD4 footballers, with Mr Yong on the left and Simon beside him, AAAH, I love this. Wait till Simon sees this. He wont regret giving me his blog password ;P LOL, nice one man, all of them have their arms crossed. Oh, not forgeting Encik Siva at the right, I call him GossipGirl for personal reasons.
Okay whatever, back to me, talking. I tell you, thankyou for visiting this uber dead blog. And post comments are always welcome. Plus, is MY blog, do visit. HAHA :D I thank you people for actually reading this. Simon would ' love ' to make more posts but he's just so darn lazy ;]
Simon: Hana, update my blog :D Hana: Pass and email? ;D Simon: [CENSORED] Hana: So, what do you want to include? Simon: That no one can beat me in a word fight :D Hana: Apalah -___-
There, does that explain it? Okay, that is NOT true! I could beat you in a word fight. Even though I lost a few times in a row. Like the one we had during Sejarah. Oh well, fine. So anyway, Simon always has the last laugh. Everytime we have a word fight, he wins and ends it with a "HAH!". Kiasu Boy -__- But I like him just the way he is. Man, can I like, leave now? My maid's making Nasi Goreng Cina and im missing out. HAHA, Oh, for those of you who still dont know how we look like, Ive got pictures in my phone :)
This very very fair perasan ass here is me ;]
And this very very adorable most cunted creation of god is Simon <3 Hehe ;D
See the resemblance? I dont call him my brother for nothing. His sister is very very very prettaaaaaay, dont you know? The Yong's are the coolest 8) Okay, enough crapping the truth. So anyway, dont be fooled by the looks. Simon may look all blurr and lanky and tired and sleepy but when it comes to word fights? He'll knock your lights off. Kan Simon? ;D